How You Learn Reiki
Reiki is a special kind of Ki. It is the Ki that is guided by spiritual consciouscess. It can be defined as spiritually guided life force energy. This meaning of Reiki describes more accurately the experience most people have of the Reiki guiding itself with its own wisdom, rather than requiring the direction of the practitioner.
There are many kinds of healing energy. All healing energy has Ki as one of its important parts. All healers use life force energy but not all use Reiki. Reiki is a special kind of healing energy that can only be channeled by someone who has been attuned to it. Therefore, healers who have not been attuned to Reiki by a Reiki master use another kind of healing energy.
Reiki Attunement
Reiki is not taught in the way other healing techniques are taught. The ability to channel Reiki energy is transferred to the Reiki student by the Reiki master during an attunement process. During the attunement, the Rei or spiritual consciousness makes adjustments in the student’s chakras and energy pathways and also in deeper parts of one’s consciousness to accommodate the ability to channel Reiki energy. It then links the student to the Reiki source. These changes are unique for each student. The Reiki master does not direct the process and is simply a channel for the attunement energy flowing from higher consciousness.
The Reiki attunement is a powerful spiritual experience and is the most important part of a Reiki class. The process is guided by Rei or spiritual consciousness, which fine tunes the experience for each student depending on their needs. It’s important to remember that what one experiences during the attunement isn’t the focus. Rather, it’s the purpose of the attunement that is more important which is the new ability to channel Reiki energy. And this becomes apparent when the student begins to practice using Reiki on themselves and others.
Once you have been attuned to Reiki, you will have the ability to channel Reiki for the rest of your life. It will never leave you. One attunement per level is all that is needed to activate the ability to channel Reiki. If you like, you can become attuned for one level several times. This can possibly refine the Reiki energy one is channeling as well as increase the strength of Reiki and can help heal personal problems as well as increase mental clarity.
A Cleansing Process
Reiki attunements, especially the first one, can start a cleansing process that affects your physical body as well as your mental, emotional and spiritual body. Toxins and blockages that have been accumulated and stored in your body may be released as well as thoughts and belief patterns that no longer serve you. You may experience headaches, stomachaches, weakness or pains. I personally experienced feeling fatigued and needing a lot of space for myself after I got attuned by my Reiki Master William Lee Rand. These are the effects of toxins being released from areas where they had been stored. The quality of your emotions as well as your consciousness can change, too. These experiences are a sign that healing is taking place. It doesn’t happen for everyone, but it is important to know that it is very natural if it happens for you. In these periods you may need more rest and alone time, since your body needs to get used to the new conditions.